Monday, June 6, 2011

Indonesian Communist Party

The Communist party of Indonesia (PKI), originally named Indies Social Democratic Association (ISDV), was first established in 1914 but then increased its membership after the Russian Revolution of 1917 and changed its name in 1920. The Communists first believed that Ahmed Sukarno’s Republic of Indonesia, declared on August 17, 1945, was “Japanese sponsored and fascist”(Indonesian Communist Party [PKI]). On the other hand, in 1950 PKI changed its original views towards Sukarno and his Republic of Indonesia. The PKI soon transformed into a strong political force in Indonesia once they joined forces with PNI (Indonesian Nationalist Party) during the first general elections of 1955.

The Indonesian Communist Party

From 1945 to 1968, Indonesia continually tried to rid themselves of the PKI (communist party) using any means necessary in their efforts. The PKI later helped in the revolution against the Dutch in 1945. This troubled President Sukarno, though, because the growing Communist powers tested his political position. Sukarno soon felt relief after signing the Renville Agreement in 1948 with the Netherlands, giving the republic a thin veil of fortitude in believing they were able to oppose the PKI forces. This agreement made the PKI armed forces dissolve. Unfortunately, in September of 1948 (the same year that the Renville Agreement was reached) a number of PKI militants refused to follow the agreement and were killed. This resulted in the PKI revolting against the Dutch and Republic forces, thus giving Sukarno a reason to suppress the PKI, and have them lose power. Thousands of PKI militants were killed and approximately 3,600 were imprisoned. The party, though oppressed, began to rise again in 1949. The PKI later began to “arm the people” and the 30 September Movement began. It involved Indonesian Armed Forces and they soon killed six Indonesian Army generals and were keeping Sukarno under their protection. They later killed two more generals before they were disbanded, blaming their killings on the PKI, which led to mass killings of alleged Communists. Approximately 500,000 Communists were killed, and there no longer was a PKI. General Suharto was appointed president in 1968.

Supporters of the Indonesian Communist Party

In their attempt to exterminate any and all communist forces, Indonesia got itself caught up in a wave of mass murder and destruction in order to ironically, become a liberal country. Later though, Halim base was taken over and it was assumed to be a PKI attack. To insure the extermination of the Communist forces in Indonesia, there was another aggressive mass killing of alleged Communists. About 300,000 to 1 million people were killed. It was said by the CIA that “in terms of the numbers killed, the anti-PKI massacres in Indonesia rank as one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century…”.


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